Thursday, March 29, 2012

Aquaponics Planting Density

Some of the advantages to utilizing aquaponics as a main or alternative method of gardening are:
  • Mobility: depending on how one chooses to design it, the system can maintain mobility (you can move it or take it with you if you relocate - try that with a traditional dirt garden/farm)
  • Water Usage: depending on the climate that you are in, aquaponics tends to use about 10% of the normal water used in a traditional dirt garden; the water is recycled through the system and is only lost through evaporation and what the plants consume, unless you spring a leak
  • Virtually Weedless: yes, it is possible to have a rogue weed get in your grow medium, but the entire problem is virtually eradicated; if one does show up, it doesn't require the same effort to get it out
  • Density: because you are eliminating the plant's need to "find" nutrients through its root system, the plant spends its energy producing fruit rather than looking for food; hence, you can pack your garden more densely than you can in a traditional dirt garden
Cabbages growing at about 12" apart.
It is recommended that these cabbages grow at 24" apart, but 12" will do fine (it could probably be even closer).  You want to allow the plant to grow its leaves and fruit without impeding another plant, but the root issue is eliminated.

By the way, my squash growth is exploding!  I will put up more pics this weekend.

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