This is an interesting little ditty by The Washington Examiner:
We’re No. 1: In highest corporate taxes
Quote:Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, has also been pressing for action on the tax rate. “Even Russia, at 20 percent, and China, at 25 percent, have lower rates than America does. The difference in tax rates means American companies are trying to compete with one hand tied behind their backs,” he said.Now, I am not one to point the finger at any particular political party on this issue; I don't want to debate how this came about. On the other hand, I often repeat this in discussions with people when discussing "corporate taxes," - CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES.
I know what you are saying, "What?!!! What a dolt!!! Of course they pay taxes - the article states they are paying more taxes than in any other nation."
But, I repeat, CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES. The focus on the source of funds is completely skewed - and with good reason. If the Government can convince you that it is good to make these evil examples of capitalism pay their "fair share," then they don't have to reveal what pea the shell is under.
The truth of the matter, which should seem painfully obvious, is that it is not this independent entity that pays taxes, it is every citizen, business, and/or municipality that buys goods and/or services from the corporation that pays taxes. Every tax on a corporation is reflected in the price of the good or service that is produced.
What the politicians don't want you to realize is that when they raise taxes on corporations (sometimes at the behest of the people) they are actually raising the prices of the goods sold and/or reducing outlays in dividends, R&D, hiring new employees, expanding operations, etc.
Let's go to the man on the street:
Unassuming little guy: "Yeah! Get those evil oil corporations for 'raking in the profits' like they do - that is not even fair."
Media talking head: "And this week in the news, gas prices up again."
Unassuming little guy: "What the... how come it costs so much to fill the tank?"
No, I am not suggesting that rising gas prices are only because of hiking taxes; it is just an analogy (don't get your undies in a wad). The point is that companies exist to make money. When their taxes go up, that impacts their bottom line and they raise prices for goods and services sold to account for the cost of doing business.
Bottom line: CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES; PEOPLE PAY TAXES. So, get mad! Because, when they talk about taxing corporations, they are really talking about raising taxes on you!